About Our Founder

Dr. Scott Thompson

Occupational Therapist, OTD, MOT, OTR/L, CSRS, LSVT BIG

Dr. Scott's main focus is the recovery of his clients and the path to their goals - a true client-centered approach.  His devotion to patient advocacy has earned him such nickname's as the "Hospice Healer" and "The Endless Optimist," and it shows in the care for his clients. Utilizing evidence-based techniques, emerging technology, and his decade of experience in neurological recovery, Dr. Scott makes sure progress is made every treatment. Having treated clients in six different states, and been a Clinical Director for an international company, Dr. Scott has seen the same scenario across the world...People living with their neurological issues and accepting their is no further hope for recovery. This drove him to create Thompson Neuro Therapy - a company dedicated to neurological recovery and the client's future.


  • Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
  • Master of Occupational Therapy, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology, Indiana University

Current Certifications:

Dr. Scott holds several advanced neurological rehabilitation certifications to offer his clients options in treatment approaches.


  • Certified Stroke Rehab Specialist (CSRS)
  • LSVT BIG trained Parkinson's Disease Specialist,
  • Saebo Certified Stroke Technology Specialist

Certifications Underway:

Dr. Scott is seeking additional advanced rehabilitation certifications to offer his clients further options in the Charleston community.  He is currently working on the following certifications:


  • Fall Prevention Specialist (FPS),
  • Upper Quadrant (Arm/Shoulder) Specialist,
  • Certified Functional Integrative Nutrition Practitioner (CFINP)

Dr. Scott's Vision

Dr. Scott Thompson is a passionate, client-centered Doctor of Occupational Therapy focusing on neurological and wholistic recovery. Since 2012, Dr. Scott has dedicated his professional life to finding answers for neurological ailments, driven by a common mindset amongst his clients,

"My disease is something I have to live with."

Dr. Scott see's it too often - someone treated like a symptom and not a person. He believes that one common factor missing from typical neuro rehabilitation is the client themselves and ALL that they embody. For true recovery to occur, the multiple layers of the human body must be addressed and worked on simultaneously. One factor influences another. Taking medication, or doing the bare minimum, results in minimal recovery.

Dr. Scott's comprehensive approach addresses the person as a whole - their emotions, their support group, their mindset, their physical nature, and their environment. A person is not an illness or ailment, though many identify by this title. Dr. Scott has a personal passion and dedication to his clients insuring that every interaction results in a step forward in the recovery process.


4-Week Personalized Recovery Plan

Stroke Recovery Treatment

Pre- and Post-Operative Recovery


What They Say About Us


Dr. Scott was so focused on my well-being it was like he was part of the family.

Belinda J.

- Homemaker


I needed an expert after brain tumor removal surgery. Dr. Scott utilized industry evaluation methods and started my recovery course. He gave me direction and made me comfortable... he felt like an old friend. I highly recommend him.

Deanna V.

- Entrepreneur


I can’t explain in a review all that I feel about Dr. Thompson. You would think he’s experienced a stroke before by his in-depth knowledge. Everything he has recommended for my recovery has worked just as he explained. Plus he keeps up with the latest recovery techniques. I’m 3 years into recovery and it keeps getting better.

Jack S.

- Cooking Show Host

Our Process for Success

Step 1:  Schedule a consultation call

Step 2:  Meet for your evaluation and discuss your options

Step 3:  Schedule your follow-up

Step 4:  See and feel your progress

Step 5:  Live the life you want to live!
